Jobs & Skills WA

Three students conversing on an IST campus, representing those benefiting from Jobs & Skills WA government funding for their education.

Unlocking Opportunities with Government Funding

Jobs & Skills WA is about investing in training that equips people to take up jobs that are, or will be, in high demand in Western Australia.

As Western Australia’s economy grows and diversifies, the outlook for jobs is constantly changing. Jobs and Skills WA is the way the State Government, through the Department, prioritises its investment in training to focus on courses that equip people to take up jobs that are, or will be, in high demand.

Industry Skills Training is contracted by the State Government to deliver the following courses:

Qualification Code Qualification Name Jobs & Skills Program Student Tuition Concession rate* Student Tuition non concession rate*
CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support Work Readiness Program
Fee Free
$0.00 $0.00
CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services Work Readiness Program
Lower Fees Local Skills
$266.40 $899.10
CHC42021 Certificate IV in Community Services Work Readiness Program
Fee Free
$0.00 $0.00
CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services Work Readiness Program
Lower Fees Local Skills


Capped per calendar year at $400.00.


Capped per calendar year at:

$400.00 (if aged 15-24 years)

$1200.00 (if aged 25 years+)

HLT33021 Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Work Readiness Program
Fee Free
$0.00 $0.00
BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business Work Readiness Program
Lower Fees Local Skills
$288.00 $972.00
MSM30116 Certificate III in Process Manufacturing Work Readiness Program
Lower Fees, Local Skills
$311.52 $1,051.38

Please Note:

*The Student tuition fees are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as resource fees and other fees.

*For Secondary school-aged persons not enrolled at school, the maximum course fee chargeable in 2025 is $420. The maximum is the total fee for all courses the student is enrolled in.

*Secondary school aged person means a person who has reached 15 years of age but has not reached the end of the calendar year in which their compulsory education period expires, as defined in the School Education Act 1999. In 2025, these persons will be born on or after 1 July 2007.

Lower Fees Local Skills logo and Jobs & Skills WA logo


So How Does Jobs & Skills WA Work?

Students apply directly to the RTO to enrol.

Contact Industry Skills Training on 1300 757 296 for further information or enrol online by clicking on the Apply Online button above.

The numbers enrolling in State priority courses will continue to be monitored. If there is a real or potential oversupply of people with certain qualifications, the Government may, with prior notice, stop subsidising new enrolments in that course.

To learn more about the Jobs & Skills WA program, visit the official Jobs & Skills WA website.

On enrolment, students will take up one of the following payment options:

Infographic illustrating how to enrol with IST

Eligibility for Subsidised Training under Jobs & Skills WA

    You are eligible for a subsidised training place if you have left school, your primary place of residence is in Western Australia and you are:

  • an Australian citizen: or
  • a permanent visa holder or holder of visa subclass 309, 444, 785, 790 or 820;
  • a dependant or spouse of the primary holder of a visa subclass 457 or 482; 
  • a Bridging Visa E holder (subclasses 050 and 051) and you have made a valid application for a visa subclass 785 or 790;
  • a citizen of Ukraine or Afghanistan who holds a visa subclass 449, with additional eligibility for Ukrainian citizens holding visa subclass 786; or 
  • holders of a bridging visa who are eligible to work, and who have made a valid application for a subclass 866.

Refunds on Withdrawal

Jobs & Skills WA students who lodge a withdrawal form before exceeding 20% of the duration of that units study period are eligible for a full refund on that unit.

In certain circumstances, students may make application on the grounds of severe financial hardship for fees and charges to be waived. Contact the College if this is your situation.

Got more questions?

Send us a quick enquiry and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


Please note we are unable to accept enrolments from International Student Visa holders (Subclass 500).

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